journey to the light


  • Why should the judgment of God bring us comfort? 
  • How does the story of Christmas train you to renounce ungodliness? 
  • When God searches your heart, does He find room for Himself? 
  • How do you imagine the angels in heaven are praising God today?

The angels celebrated the birth of the Savior of the world by singing
glorious songs. How can you praise God and mark the significance of God’s
birth as a baby boy? As you open presents and sing carols, remember to
praise God for salvation and sing for his glory!

Dec 31, 2023: New Year’s Eve
Bible Verses: Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:15-20; Hebrews 1:1-4; Isaiah 62:1-3;
Luke 2:25-40
Prayers: Ask God to continue to wash you & renew you through his
Holy Spirit. Pray for God to fill you, your family, your church, and your
community with the hope of eternal life. Praise God aloud for his
salvation & for a new year. Pray the world may see the Son and
experience the peace his light brings.
Questions: How does Jesus’s birth demonstrate the goodness and
loving kindness of God? How might an awareness of Jesus’s sustaining
power impact your new year? What would it look like for
righteousness and praise to sprout up from our church? How can
salvation shine from your life like a burning torch of light?
Jesus brought Light into the dark world. From his infancy, he was
recognized by righteous and common people alike as the Messiah,
provided in God’s perfect timing. Consider how you will look for God’s Light
in this new season & how you will shine the light of Jesus into a dark world.
The calendar’s season of Advent has concluded. The time of waiting for the
work of God is met with the fulfillment of his promises. Ponder how this
season has trained you to seek God, reflect on his character, celebrate his
goodness, and tell of his salvation. Thank you for journeying to the Light.
May you have hope, knowing that the Light of the World dwells within
For the Christmas season of 2023, we are going on an Advent
Journey. We will join the many Christian traditions that celebrate
Advent as a season of making room for the Messiah King to be born,
and preparing for his return as the Victorious King.
On this journey throughout December, we will offer several ways to
observe each week of Advent: Bible verses, prayers, questions to
consider, and actions to carry out as we Journey to the Light. Join us
on this path, whether on your own or with a group, and with our
church family.
Let’s focus on Jesus this season. We will wait expectantly for the
commemoration of his birth as we also eagerly anticipate his return,
remembering to reflect, celebrate, and tell about Jesus Christ the
FBC Lorena | Advent 2023

Directions: Each week has Bible verses to read (from the Revised Common
Lectionary), prayers to pray, and questions to consider. Find your best pattern,
using these from daily to weekly. Do not rush; instead, walk through these slowly.
Dec 3-9, 2023: First Week of Advent
Bible Verses: Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Prayers: Confess times you have not sought, desired, or looked for
God. Express where you need God’s presence and rescue.
Questions: Have you ever felt you are truly waiting for God? What
awesome things has God done in history and in your life to which you
have not paid much attention? What would it look like for God to shine
his face on you and rescue you now?
Advent orients us to seek & wait for God. The season draws out our
longing for God to make all things right. This week, remember the longing
of generations who waited for a Messiah to restore people to God and
bring peace. Ask God to help you long for him as Israel longed for a Savior.
Dec 10-16, 2023: Second Week of Advent
Bible Verses: Isaiah 40:1-11; Mark 1:1-8; 2 Peter 3:8-15a
Prayers: Pray for those who need comfort (prisoners, sick, bereaved,
weary world). Join believers worldwide and throughout generations in
praying, “Come Lord Jesus, Come.”
Questions: What does it mean for God’s glory to be revealed? How
does God’s forgiveness relate to his peace? What do you think Jesus
would say to our world if he came now? Do you play any role in the
return of Jesus?
The Advent season teaches us to wait faithfully. 2 Peter adjures us to live
righteous & holy lives that spur the return of Christ, while patiently
understanding God operates outside of human timetables. God tarries to
give time for everyone to be saved. Appreciate God’s grace, contemplate
his wisdom, and ask how you can actively prepare for his coming.
Dec 17-23, 2023: Third Week of Advent
Bible Verses: Isaiah 61:1-4, 10-11; Psalm 126; Luke 1:46-55
Prayers: Ask God to repair our broken world, our community, our
homes, and our families. Pray for God to bring a joyful harvest out of
the kingdom work of this church.
Questions: What work of repair do you see God doing in our time and
in your life? What great things do you see God doing in your
family/church/world? What seeds do you sow while weeping? Where
do you sacrifice for the kingdom of God? What harvest do you pray
for? What great works of God have you overlooked that you can
celebrate now?
Advent inspires us to continually look for Jesus, work for Jesus, and point
others to Jesus. One of the best ways we can share about Jesus is by
celebrating him with great joy! Consider how to share God’s mighty work
in your life with others this week (social media posts, conversations with
friends, serving your neighbor, or helping someone in need).
Dec 24-30, 2023: Christmas Eve & Fourth Week of Advent
Bible Verses: Psalm 89:1-4; Romans 16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38
Prayers: Seek God’s direction how to obey him through faith. Ask God
to increase your faith so you’ll believe nothing is impossible with him.
Questions: What is the significance of God dwelling with us? Why does
God’s covenant with David matter now? What mystery has now been
revealed through the birth of Jesus?
God kept his promise to Israel to establish an eternal kingdom. Reflect on
the Kingdom of God, whose King is Jesus. Consider the Kingdom’s
unassuming beginning, welcome of the lowly, and unending reign of
peace. Submit what you cannot comprehend about this world, God’s reign,
and your own suffering to the wisdom of God. Ask God to enlarge your
faith and help you believe all things are possible with him!
Dec 25, 2023: Christmas Day
Bible Verses: Isaiah 9:2-7; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14; John 1:1-14
Prayers: Express gratitude to God for coming humbly as a baby to save
humanity. Pray for God’s help to grasp what it means for Jesus to be
the Light. Ask for God to stir the hearts of those who have not
experienced salvation. Pray by name for those you know who need
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