What does FBC Lorena need to do to meet the anticipated growth of the
next 10 years?
things bathed in prayer
- Consider all ministries of our church, speaking with all ministries and staff for input
- Report progress to church at least monthly
- Submit a full site plan to church in six months
- Stay within the $10,000 assigned budget
- Create an ad hoc committee of seven (7) that is evenly varied by gender, age, and tenure at FBC Lorena. Choose a chairperson. Complete a vision statement and timeline
- Consider immediate need for space for Food Pantry, Kids, Discipleship, and Students
- Consider plans from the past, including Plan North Proposal and previous plans for expansion
- Consider where how an elevator will help for immediate and future needs
- Use BGCT, WRBA, and any support organizations our church subscribes to 10.Consider our present financial situation, as well as fund raising ideas
Pending approval by the congregation, church members may send recommendations for this seven-person committee to office@fbclorena.org for two weeks following approval. The Staff and Stewardship Committee will receive these recommendations and propose the seven persons for approval by the congregation in a special called business meeting.