For the spring of 2023, we are going on a Lenten Journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. In many Christian traditions, Lent is practiced as a journey that leads people to prepare for Easter, when Jesus rose from the dead. But before we get to the tomb that Jesus arose from, we need to journey to the cross where he died for us. On this journey, we will offer several ways to prepare for Easter each week: through Bible verses, through prayers, and through questions to consider as we journey on this Road to the Cross. Join us on this path, whether on your own or with a group, and with our church family. Let’s prepare our hearts and minds together as we walk towards Easter.
On this journey, we will offer several ways to prepare for Easter each week: through Bible verses, through prayers, and through questions to consider as we journey on this Road to the Cross. Join us on this path, whether on your own or with a group, and with our church family. Let’s prepare our hearts and minds together as we walk towards Easter.
Directions: Each week has Bible verses to read (from the Revised Common Lectionary), prayers to pray, and questions to consider. Find your best pattern, using these from daily to weekly. Do not rush through; instead, walk through these slowly. Also, consider doing each week’s content on your own, as well as with a group.
February 22-25, 2023: Ash Wednesday Week
- Bible Verses: Joel 2:12-17, Psalm 51:1-12, Matthew 6:1-21
- Prayers: Ask for an awareness of your wrongdoings, and ask for God’s forgiveness. Talk to God about your need for cleansing and renewal. Seek God’s plan for how to fast (abstain) from things that do not last.
- Questions: Am I aware of my need to return to God? What wrongdoings do I need to admit to God? Why do I desire things that do not last?
Ash Wednesday is a time to realize the reality of our wrongdoings
and how they affect us. Left in these sins, we are destined for
eternal death. Hope is coming with Jesus...but at this moment, we
need to realize our mortality.
February 26-March 4, 2023: Lent Week 1
- Bible Verses: Genesis 2:15-17 & 3:1-7, Psalm 32, Romans 5:12-19
- Prayers: Admit to God how you have disobeyed him. Talk to God about why you need his forgiveness. Ask God for an understanding of why you need Jesus.
- Questions: Why is disobeying God attractive at times? How does it feel to be forgiven and is it worth admitting your wrongs? What is grace and why do I need it?
Eternal death is a reality because of sin in our world. Eternal life is
the only antidote, and it requires a Savior. This week, imagine how
hopeless it would be if there were no Savior, and thank Jesus for
the cross and his saving love. Even though we are not to Easter
(yet), you can be grateful that salvation is coming.
March 26-April 1, 2023: Lent Week 5
- Bible Verses: Ezekiel 37:1-14, Psalm 130, Romans 8:5-17
- Prayers: Ask God to breathe his life into you. Cry out to God for mercy. Seek God on how to be led by the Spirit instead of your sinful nature.
- Questions: How does God bring life to the dead? What does waiting on God look like, and why wait on him? Why is being a child of God significant, and what does it mean?
God creates life, not death. Sin is what made death reality, but
God is able to conquer death and breathe life into creation. Take
note of ways you need God to breathe life into your life. Stand in
awe of God and how he longs to make you his child, forever.
April 2-8, 2023: Holy Week
- Bible Verses: Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 21:1-11 & 26:17-30
- Prayers: Share your groanings with God. Praise Jesus for coming into our world to rescue us! Ponder the Lord's Supper, and what it was like to hear Jesus that evening.
- Questions: Why should I declare my trust in God? How do I make Jesus the king of my life? Is Jesus's physical sacrifice as meaningful today as it was back then?
This is the week everything begins to change. There is a tension in
the world as the Savior makes his way to the cross. Imagine
yourself walking with Jesus as he gives himself for the world.
April 9, 2023: Easter Sunday
- Bible Verses: Matthew 28:1-10, Philippians 2:5-11
- Prayers: Thank God for the resurrection!
- Questions: Who can I tell that Jesus is alive? What can I do today to live the life Jesus has given me?
We have journeyed to the cross, and now we celebrate the empty
tomb! Live in light of Jesus’s resurrection. He is your salvation!